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Propagation News – 8 September 2024Fri 6th Sep 2024 12:54 BST

Last week was underlined by continued high solar flux indices and excellent 10m band propagation to CY9C on Saint Paul Island near Newfoundland. The DXpedition, which has now ended, was often at S9+ on 28MHz up to two hours after sunset. This may be a sign that better autumnal HF conditions are just around the […]

Propagation News – 1 September 2024Fri 30th Aug 2024 16:30 BST

We had a good week for HF propagation, at least until we had a Kp index of 5.67 on Wednesday, the 28th. This was caused by the Bz component of the interplanetary magnetic field moving into a south-pointing position. Luckily, it didn’t last long and geomagnetic conditions were back to normal by Thursday. The solar […]

Propagation News – 25 August 2024Fri 23rd Aug 2024 14:20 BST

We had yet another week with a high solar flux and relatively calm geomagnetic conditions. The solar flux index ended up at 239 on Thursday 22 August, while the Kp index has been below 4 since Sunday 18 August. There are currently 11 active sunspot regions on the Sun’s surface and there is a 20% […]

Propagation News – 18 August 2024Fri 16th Aug 2024 14:31 BST

Last week was notable for its auroral activity, high solar flux index and variable HF conditions. Monday 12 August saw the Kp index rise to 7 as coronal mass ejection material struck the Earth, sparking visible aurora as far south as Cornwall. But by lunchtime on Tuesday things were back to normal with a Kp […]

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